@GregGrunberg but he'd have to put on a little weight, and wear blue contact lenses.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
When was the last time you gave flowers?
Funny story. Was dating this beautiful woman. I'd have to say about ten years ago now. She mentioned in passing that I never bought her flowers. I explained I never buy women flowers cuz flowers die and I'd rather spend money on something more practical. She asked me what, and I showed her a MAPSCO of North Texas area that I'd bought for her and was gonna give her later but seemed this was the perfect time. Well she got real mad. I felt it was a thoughtful, practical gift. She said she didn't want thoughtful and practical. We argued and after awhile I just went home. Next date I brought flowers and that just made her mad again, cuz now she knew I only bought her flowers cuz she told me to and not cuz I thought of it. I said that's cuz I'd never think to buy anybody flowers cuz they die. It's a stupid gift, but you wanted flowers so here they are. So we argued some more and I went home. The relationship didn't last much beyond that.
So I don't buy women flowers anymore. I never shoulda started.
How many languages do you speak?
One. English. I can't even pull off pig latin. Well, I can speak Spanish with an illusion of confidence, but I don't necessarily understand what I'm reading. I flunked Spanish both in high school & college. I also flunked a class on German. So I can honestly say I'm bilingually illiterate.
If you could look like anybody, who would it be?
@ElizaDushku cuz I'd never leave my mirror. Failing that, I wanna look like me, but taller, and thinner, without glasses, and perfect teeth, perfect skin, perfect everything else, more hair where I should have it, less hair where I shouldn't have it, and I'd smell like Old Spice while riding backwards on a horse.
Did you used to not be an athiest?
Yes, I used to be a southern Baptist then I was a nondenominational Christian for awhile, cuz Baptists are crazy! Can't dance? OMGWTF? Then I became a SubGenius Christian, then a deist w/SubGenius leanings, and now a full blown atheist but ah STILL BELIEVEZ IN DAH FIGHTIN' JESUS! He's "Bob"s golfing partner. "Y'know Jesus smoked Chesterfields." Says so in the Bible. "He smoked 'em, yet they did not exist two thousand years ago. We must accept this on Faith! There's no logical explanation for it! YA DON'T USE YER MIND TO THINK ABOUT YOUR RELIGION!" Rev Ivan Stang said that. ...I'm sorry what was the question?
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Who was the best boss you've ever had?
The editor for a college newspaper for which I wrote a column long ago. She was a great boss.
Who was the best boss you've ever had?
The editor for a college newspaper for which I wrote a column long ago. She was a great boss.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
What was the worst job you've ever had?
Producer for a talk radio show. I went in thinking this is just what I want to do with my life and I left it thinking why would anyone want to do that with their life?
What are three songs you like that remind you of a particular part of your life (i.e., H.S., first apartment, a job, a summer)?
Annie Benjamin's "Life's Blessings" reminds me of a night when she asked me and some mutual friends to join her on stage and sing the chorus at a Deep Ellum club. I sang off key & was terrible but it was one of the more happy and memorable nights of my life. Courtney Fairchild's "7-9 Central" reminds me of traffic on Central Expressway cuz I liked to play that song over and over while I was stuck in traffic (back when I still had a car). Kristy Kruger's "Singing To The Cakes" reminds me of a time in my life when I lost a job in talk radio and felt lower than low cuz it was like I was never gonna be rich and famous cuz I just don't have what it takes. I admire and respect those who sing to the cakes not because they want to be rich and famous but because it's not about that at all. You do what you do cuz it's who you are and it's what you do and that's beautiful.
If you could only watch one TV show what would it be?
I'd go buy a new TV cuz this one is obviously broke.
Who's the sexiest man alive?
Certainly not whatever face People magazine selects for their cover. The sexiest man alive, by definition, would have to be the individual who has had the most sex in the past 24 hours. However, I would imagine that guy's currently unconscious and will wake up with chaffing. Therefore he will quickly lose his title to the guy who has the most sex in the next 24 hours. People magazine will be completely oblivious to these individuals, because truly sexy men do not have to advertise their accomplishments. They're too busy having sex.
What's your favorite city?
Dallas, but that's only because it's where I currently am, and I don't travel much.
Who's the most beautiful person you know?
The gal I'm about to ask out on a date seconds before she turns me down.
What's your favorite genre of music?
I do not have one. I find it's not a genre of music that determines whether or not I'll like it. I like all kinds of music which others define by various genres. I use those as descriptors. Rock. Pop. Soul. Blues. Jazz. Classical. Americana. Folk. I used to think I hated heavy metal, rap, and country. However, there are examples of artists and bands even in those realms that really get my blood pumping. I guess my favorite music is that which defies genre. You can say it's kinda like this and maybe a little some of that. However, the music refuses to be pigeon-holed and crayons outside the lines. That's my favorite genre of music: the ones you can't genre-ize.
What 3 things do you think will become obsolete in the next ten years?
Blogger, Facebook, and Twitter. That's what I think. Although I hope the three things that will become obsolete in the next ten years are religion, politics, and questions like this, sadly that won't be the case.