A sign reading: "Caution: obstacle in way."
Sunday, October 17, 2010
I would like to learn something new. Expand my horizons and enjoy a new habit or hobby. Suggest something for me to try? I
I miss smoking cigarettes, but I don't recommend you start. Hobbies should merge organically out of your own interests. I'm not a fan of someone just taking up rock climbing or stamp collecting if they don't have some interest in that direction. I enjoyed acting in my youth so I still find myself critiquing tv & movies for the cast performances, but I wouldn't necessarily recommend movie critiquing for just anybody. I can't even say I'm good at it. I just enjoy it.
I have been noodling on exactly what I should ask you. And have gone round and round. But it occurred to me I should declare myself first. I am a Christian, though as my Dad would say, I am in rebellion. What do you think of that?
I think you should examine for yourself the historical evidence available outside the bible for your christ, and ask yourself why you believe in what cannot be proven. I am not interested in converting people to atheism, but I am interested in people learning for themselves that they are being swindled and tricked. Science doesn't manipulate, coerce, or condition people. A scientist could care less whether or not you believe. I'm not a scientist. At my heart I'm an artist and a dreamer, but I find a respectful honesty in the arrogance of science.
Como é que o Tarzan conseguia estar sempre barbeado?
Tarzan raspou com a lâmina de Jane. Eu não falo o português. Você fala o inglês? babelfish.yahoo.com
I should also state that I am particularly interested in understanding your past Christian experiences. Can we agree that when I ask you a question I am asking about your Christian past and not necessarily your Atheist present?
I'm more interested in who i am now than who i was then.
Rebellious or not, I find that my Christian experiences are very hard to deny. They are, regardless of the realness, a very integrated part of me. As such, I find it difficult to understand how you are now an atheist. Can we explore that?
I used to feel that way too. Being christian was, I thought, a part of who I was. That's a misnomer. For many years I clung to what's essentially Pascal's Wager. I was born christian so not being one anymore meant i was no longer me, and what if I'm wrong? I'd be not me in hell burning forever. I didn't like the sound of that. However, I didn't become an atheist overnight, while at the same time I did. It was a laborious process, but one day I realized that not only could I no longer be a christian but I hadn't been one for awhile. While I could theoretically live in a delusion so long as I consciously don't see it, I could no longer live in that delusion after seeing evidence that it was one.
My first question is what, when you were a Christian, did you consider a Christian to be? What made you a Christian?
A christian asked JC into his life. That was pretty much it. Beyond that I tried not to be judgy. If you told me you were a Christian, that's all I assumed it meant. I liked to think added to that was that you at least tried to do the right thing, but one couldn't bank on that.
Do you believe in serendipity? And if so have you had a 'serendipitous experience'? What was it?
Isn't she a stripper? I never dated Serendipity but I know a guy who did and she was nothin' but a gold digger. I steer clear of those. Mostly cuz I can't afford 'em.
How do I get rid of a raccoon out of my attic? I think he is a she and is making a winter nest in all my insulation!
Insist it pays rent. That'll git rid of it.
How come the smallest toes have the uglies toe nails?
Ugliness is subjective. I think my big toes are ugly too.
I need a real cure for insomnia. Do you have any ideas I might try?
Benedryl works for me. Whether I want to sleep or not.