I say stuff that I think is funny, but other ppl don't, so if a lady wants a 2nd date w/me, it helps if she knows instinctively when I say something that I think is funny, and responds accordingly. I think that matters more to me than the size of her breasts. I'm pretty sure.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Who's the sexiest man alive?
The guy who currently gets more sex than any other man w/o dying of a heart attack. It's a guy too busy having sex to get his picture taken for the cover of magazines.
DAMN RIGHT HAN SHOT FIRST! Are there people out there who actually accept Greedo shot first? What is this world coming to? Anarchy! Blasphemy! There is NO GOD! well... we knew that.
I honestly don't get what George Lucas was thinking, unless he purposefully intended to stir up controversy so that he could sell more retreads of that movie. It was probably a marketing ploy.
On a scale of 1-10, rate your parallel-parking skills.
Zero. When I had a car, I rarely if ever parallel parked. Sometimes going out of my way to avoid it. Nowadays I take the bus, which removes the dilemma quite nicely. Let someone else deal w/the headache of traffic.
Monday, July 12, 2010
What was your favorite movie as a child?
The original Star Wars before George Lucas went back and "finished" it. Yes I'm one of the geeks who insists that Han Shot First. Star Wars was number one on my list for a long time and it's still in my personal top ten. Since then though, Citizen Kane, Ghostbusters & Princess Bride have beaten it.
What's one food you'll never eat again?
The few times I ate at Jack In The Box led to an unhappy tummy. However, when it comes to food I don't make a habit of saying never again.
What YouTube video made you laugh recently?
I enjoy @AskCarrieLee's funny and also Greg Benson of @MediocreFilms. MarkDayComedy comes to mind. There's really too many to name here. This is a partial list I threw together until I got bored.
being an ex-Christian urself, how long did it take u 2 quit anthropomorphizing what might/might not be & wondering, even when ur not positive if it exists, if it is good (all accepting) or bad (eternal punishment4not believing in it correctly enough
I'm sorry. I've read this several times, Christi and I just don't get what you're trying to ask. I was never equating what might be to animals. How long did what take? It took me literally decades to realize I was atheist, but I had abandoned first the Baptist denomination in my teens, then literal interpretations of the bible in my twenties, then I was more of a deist by the time I was 30 but still held to the trappings of being saved and having Jesus in my heart and all that stuff. Then about a year and a half ago I had an operation that led me to realize there just isn't a god, and since there isn't a god, none of that other stuff is real either. So it's taken my whole life to get to this point. Some people realize they're being conned faster than others. I fell for the whole religious thing because it had been fed to me from birth. I had no reason not to believe, until I observed reality and it just didn't mesh with what religion insists it should be. So either reality is wrong or religion is, and I got tired of accusing reality of being wrong. Cuz it's not. Man invented religion, and man is very fallible. Reality just is, whether we perceive it as it is or not. I hope that answers your question.