Wednesday, August 11, 2010
If you were to run into a random person about whom you knew absolutely nothing and could only give them one piece of advice before you both went your separate ways and to live your separate lives, what would you say?
Same thing I say to any random person I just met & will probably never see again: "take care."
Sunday, August 8, 2010
I liked it. Wish the sound quality was better. I think these guys should go on America's Got Talent next year.
Opps! Sorry about the double post before (I am permanently distracted). So I grant you the gift of immortality and the deep and mysterious power of the vampire to entrance, coerce, influence and control (no you don't need to suck blood) What do you do?
So I have immortality, mind control, but I don't need to suck blood. Do I twinkle in sunlight? I must not disintegrate by fire in sunlight because if I did then I'm not very immortal, am I? If I twinkle then I'm a Twilight TwinkPyre and will be chased around creation by crowds of willing teenage females which quite frankly is the last thing I want. That never goes well. I've seen reruns of The Monkees. Do I get to brood a lot? That looks like fun. Oh. What do I do? I would pull the mental whammy on Miracle Laurie until she is helplessly devoted to me, and then force her to teach me Hawaiian dance techniques.
There was a guy named Jimmy. He once cracked some corn and according to lore, no one cares. Why is there a song about it?
To be more specific, the individual who wrote the song did not care. However, he obviously felt that others would. Whether or not anyone actually did is lost in the obscurities of time, of which there are three.
"The most beautiful emotion we can experience is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of all true art and science. "from @antallan. On days when you are 'present' do you experience this emotion?
Uh.. "the mysterious" is not an emotion. One cannot feel mysterious. One can arouse curiosity and wonder in others by being mysterious to them, but one does not then feel mysterious when doing so. So calling "the mysterious" a "fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of all true art and science" is a statement that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. We walk up to this alleged cradle and look around and we wouldn't find anything. So whether the mysterious is present or not, what you're experiencing is last night's dinner disagreeing with today's digestive constitution. There's more gravy than grave to this spirit. I hope that answers your question.
I was alone, in front of a store. waiting 4 friends . A woman drove by (40ish red hair)&screamed 'you fucking cunt whore' at me. I don't know why. It made me perplexed. If this happened 2 u & u saw the person again what would you do/say to them?
I stand in the full length mirror, naked, undone. I examen everything w/ a critical eye. Suddenly, I can see it all so clearly: hair, eyes, skin, soul. It is beautiful. When you look in the mirror, what do you see?
What do I see? I see that if I jump up and down, parts of me wobble like jelly while other parts remain perfectly still, defying the laws of physics. It's fascinating. I could do that for hours.